"use strict"; /************************************************************* SCRIPTS INDEX ISOTOPE: INIT FLEXSLIDER INIT FANCYBOX INIT OWL CAROUSEL INIT MOSAIC INIT MINOR PLUGINS INIT // FITVIDS // CLEANTABS // SCROLL UP // EMBED SCROLL PROTECT // STELLAR PARALLAX SIDR RESPONSIVE MENU SLIDER NAVIGATION ON HOVER ONLY AJAX MULTIPOST PAGINATION COUNTDOWN CLICKABLE BACKGROUND STICKY HEADER SCROLL TO ANCHOR SEARCH BUTTON SEARCH AUTOCOMPLETE @FONT-FACE FIX LAZY LOAD ANIMATION RATINGS BAR USER RATING INFO BOX LIST CHECK CANON PARALLAX SCROLLING COMMENTS FORM FIX *************************************************************/ /************************************************************* ISOTOPE: INIT *************************************************************/ // ARCHIVE MASONRY INIT jQuery(document).ready(function($) { if ($('.archive-masonry-container').size() == 0) { return; } var $archiveMasonryContainer = $('.archive-masonry-container'); // INIT $archiveMasonryContainer.isotope({ itemSelector: '.single-item', masonry: { columnWidth: '.grid-sizer', gutter: '.gutter-sizer', }, }); // RELAYOUT ON IMAGES LOADED $archiveMasonryContainer.imagesLoaded( function() { $archiveMasonryContainer.isotope('layout'); }); // RELAYOUT ON WINDOW LOADED $(window).load(function() { $('.archive-masonry-container').isotope('layout'); }); }); /************************************************************* FLEXSLIDER INIT *************************************************************/ jQuery(window).load(function($){ $ = jQuery; // STANDARD FLEXSLIDER if ($('.flexslider-default').size() > 0) { var canonAnimImgSliderSlidershow = (extData.canonOptionsAppearance['anim_img_slider_slideshow'] == 'checked') ? 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Can be an HTML string or jQuery object // scrollTarget: false, // Set a custom target element for scrolling to. Can be element or number // scrollTitle: false, // Set a custom title if required. // scrollImg: false, // Set true to use image // activeOverlay: false, // Set CSS color to display scrollUp active point, e.g '#00FFFF' // zIndex: 2147483647 // Z-Index for the overlay }); // FITVIDS setTimeout(function(){ // Visual Composer front end editor fix $(".body-wrapper").fitVids(); }, 1); // CLEANTABS $('.canon-cleanTabs-container').each(function (index) { var $this = $(this); $this.cleanTabs({ "speed": 400 }); // CLEANTABS INIT $this.find('.tab_content').hide(); $this.find('.v_active').next('.tab_content').show(); }); // EMBED SCROLL PROTECT $('.embed-scroll-protect').embedScrollProtect(); // STELLAR PARALLAX // $(window).stellar({ // horizontalScrolling: false, // }); }); /************************************************************* SIDR RESPONSIVE MENU *************************************************************/ jQuery(document).ready(function($) { // SIDR $('.responsive-menu-button').sidr({ name: 'sidr-main', source: '#sidr-navigation-container', renaming: false, }); $('#sidr-main .closebtn').click(function() { $.sidr('close', 'sidr-main'); }); }); jQuery(window).resize(function() { // SIDR CLOSE ON RESIZE jQuery.sidr('close', 'sidr-main'); }); /************************************************************* SLIDER NAVIGATION ON HOVER ONLY *************************************************************/ jQuery(window).load(function($) { $=jQuery; if ($('.flexslider ul.flex-direction-nav').size() > 0) { var $slidesNavArrows = $('.flex-direction-nav'); var $slidesNavBullets = $('.feature .flex-control-nav.flex-control-paging'); $slidesNavArrows.hide(); $slidesNavBullets.hide(); //on slider hover $('.flexslider').hover(function () { $slidesNavArrows.fadeIn(); $slidesNavBullets.fadeIn(); }, function() { $slidesNavArrows.hide(); $slidesNavBullets.hide(); }); //on navigation button hover $slidesNavArrows.hover(function () { $slidesNavArrows.show(); $slidesNavBullets.show(); }); } }); /************************************************************* AJAX MULTIPOST PAGINATION *************************************************************/ jQuery(document).ready(function($){ if ($('.multi_nav_control').size() > 0) { // NEXT CLICK $('body').on('click', '.multipost_nav_forward', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var $this = $(this); ajaxLoadPostPage($this); }); // PREV CLICK $('body').on('click', '.multipost_nav_back', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var $this = $(this); ajaxLoadPostPage($this); }); // DETECT ARROW KEYPRESS document.onkeydown = mb_checkKey; } // DETECT ARROW KEYPRESS FUNCTION function mb_checkKey(e) { e = e || window.event; // console.log(e.keyCode); // remember to put focus on window not on console. if (e.keyCode == '39') { $('.multipost_nav_forward').click(); } else if (e.keyCode == '37') { $('.multipost_nav_back').click(); } } // AJAX function ajaxLoadPostPage($this) { var newHeightAnimationSpeed = 2300; var loadDelay = 500; var fadeInSpeed = 1500; var link = $this.closest('a').attr('href'); var link = link + " #content_container > *"; var $contentContainer = $('#content_container'); $contentContainer.load(link, function () { var $this = $(this); $this.wrapInner('
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So link "http://www.mypage.com/#example" will first load http://www.mypage.com/example and then after a short delay scroll to first element with class "example". *************************************************************************/ jQuery(window).load(function($) { $=jQuery; var scrollToSelector = '#'; var onLoadScrollToDelay = 1500; // on window load grab the url and scan for # then initiate scroll if this is found var href = isolateScrollToHref(document.URL, scrollToSelector); if (href !="") { setTimeout(function() { canonScrollToAnchor(href) }, onLoadScrollToDelay); } // on click a tag $('body').on('click', 'a', function (event) { if (typeof $(this).attr('href') == "undefined") { return; } // failsafe against a tags with no href var href = isolateScrollToHref($(this).attr('href'), scrollToSelector) if (href != "") { canonScrollToAnchor(href); } }); }); function isolateScrollToHref (source, scrollToSelector) { if (source.indexOf('#') != -1) { var splitArray = source.split(scrollToSelector); return splitArray[1]; } else { return ""; } } function canonScrollToAnchor(href){ var target = $("."+href); if (target.size() > 0) { var originalOffset = getWPAdminBarOffset(); var adjustedOffset = originalOffset; // first adjust for header stickies var $headerStickies = $('.sticky-header-wrapper .canon_sticky'); $headerStickies.each(function(index) { var $thisSticky = $(this); adjustedOffset = adjustedOffset + $thisSticky.height(); }); // next adjust for block stickies if (target.hasClass('pb_block')) { var $blockClosest = target; } else { var $blockClosest = target.closest('.pb_block'); } var $prevStickyBlocks = $blockClosest.prevAll('.sticky_placeholder'); $prevStickyBlocks.each(function(index) { var $thisSticky = $(this); adjustedOffset = adjustedOffset + $thisSticky.height(); }); var scrollToOffset = target.offset().top - adjustedOffset; $('html,body').animate({scrollTop: scrollToOffset},'slow'); } } /************************************************************* SEARCH BUTTON *************************************************************/ if ($('.toolbar-search-btn').size() > 0) { // SEARCH BUTTON CLICK $('body').on('click','.toolbar-search-btn', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var $searchHeaderContainer = $('.search-header-container'); var status = $searchHeaderContainer.attr('data-status'); //update status if (status == "closed") { $searchHeaderContainer.slideDown(); $searchHeaderContainer.attr('data-status', 'open'); } //calculate offset var originalOffset = getWPAdminBarOffset(); var adjustedOffset = originalOffset; var $headerStickies = $('.sticky-header-wrapper .canon_sticky'); $headerStickies.each(function(index) { var $thisSticky = $(this); adjustedOffset = adjustedOffset + $thisSticky.height(); }); var scrollToOffset = $searchHeaderContainer.offset().top - adjustedOffset; //scroll $('html,body').animate({ scrollTop: scrollToOffset },'slow',function () { $searchHeaderContainer.find('#s').focus(); }); }); // SEARCH CONTROL SEARCH $('body').on('click','.search_control_search', function (event) { $('.search-header-container #searchform').submit(); }); // SEARCH CONTROL CLOSE $('body').on('click','.search_control_close', function (event) { var $searchHeaderContainer = $('.search-header-container'); 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var percentage = parseFloat($this.attr('data-ratio')) * 100; $this.css('width', percentage + "%"); // $this.animate({ // width: percentage + "%", // }, 2000); }); }); /************************************************************* USER RATING *************************************************************/ jQuery(document).ready(function($){ // bouncer if ($('.star-rating').size() === 0) { return; } // set colours var ratedColor = extData.canonOptionsAppearance['color_feat_text_1']; var hoverColor = 'orange'; // initial state var $starRatingContainers = $('.star-rating'); $starRatingContainers.each(function(index) { var $this = $(this); if ($this.attr('class').indexOf('unrated') == -1) { var starRating = $this.attr('data-my_rating'); var $incStars = $this.find('li i').slice(0, starRating); $incStars.removeClass('fa-star-o').addClass('fa-star').css('color', ratedColor); } }); // bounce from here if already rated if ($('.star-rating.unrated').size() === 0) { return; } var $stars = $('.star-rating.unrated li i'); // hover effect $stars.hover(function (event) { var $this = $(this); var starRating = $stars.index($this)+1; var $incStars = $stars.slice(0, starRating); $incStars.removeClass('fa-star-o').addClass('fa-star').css('color', hoverColor); }, function (event) { $stars.removeClass('fa-star').addClass('fa-star-o').css('color', '#ddd'); }); $stars.on('click', function (event) { var $this = $(this); var $thisStarRatingContainer = $this.closest('.star-rating'); var starRating = $stars.index($this)+1; var $incStars = $stars.slice(0, starRating); var postID = $thisStarRatingContainer.attr('data-post_id'); var nonce = $thisStarRatingContainer.attr('data-nonce'); $.ajax({ type: 'post', url: extData.ajaxUrl, data: { action: 'user_rating', star_rating: starRating, post_id: postID, nonce: nonce }, success: function(response) { if (response != "") { // change class to rated $thisStarRatingContainer.removeClass('unrated').addClass('rated'); // unbind hover event $stars.unbind(); // color stars to user rating $incStars.removeClass('fa-star-o').addClass('fa-star').css('color', '#ff6666'); // recalculate new rating results var resultsArray = response.split(','); var sum = 0; $.each(resultsArray, function (index, value) { sum = sum + parseInt(value); }); var average = Math.round(sum/resultsArray.length * 10) / 10; var resultString = average + " (" + resultsArray.length + " votes)"; $('.star-rating-result').text(resultString); } } }); //end ajax }); }); /************************************************************* INFO BOX LIST CHECK *************************************************************/ jQuery(document).ready(function($){ // bouncer if ($('.tc-info-box-ul li').size() === 0) { return; } $( ".tc-info-box-ul li" ).click(function() { $( this ).toggleClass( "checked" ); }); }); /************************************************************* CANON PARALLAX SCROLLING HOWTO: Add class "canon-parallax" to a container with a background image to make the background image do a parallax animation. You can set data-canon-parallax-amount (0 is off, 100 is max/fixed) on the container. This is optional, if not set it will default to 50% parallax. You can set data-canon-parallax-yoffset (can also contain negative numbers). This is optional, if not set it will default to 0px offset. Default styling like background-repeat etc. must be set for .canon-parallax in style.css or similar. *************************************************************/ jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $(".canon-parallax").each(function (index) { var $this = $(this); var parallaxAmount = (typeof $this.attr('data-canon-parallax-amount') != "undefined") ? parseInt($this.attr('data-canon-parallax-amount')) : 50 ; var parallaxYOffset = (typeof $this.attr('data-canon-parallax-yoffset') != "undefined") ? parseInt($this.attr('data-canon-parallax-yoffset')) : 0 ; var factor = 11 - (parallaxAmount / 10); // 0 is none, 100 is max // special case: factor 11 (no parallax) if (factor == 11) { return; } // special case: factor 1 (max parallax) // if (factor === 1) { // $this.css('background-attachment','fixed'); // return; // } $(window).scroll(function() { var yPos = ($(window).scrollTop() / factor ) + parallaxYOffset; var coords = '50% '+ yPos + 'px'; $this.css({ backgroundPosition: coords }); }); }); }); /************************************************************* COMMENTS FORM FIX *************************************************************/ jQuery(document).ready(function($){ //bouncer if ($('#commentform').size() === 0) { return; } var $commentFormSubmit = $('#commentform p.form-submit'); var $commentNotesAfter = $('#commentform .comment-notes-after'); $commentNotesAfter.insertBefore($commentFormSubmit); });